Humane Society Office: 410-749-7603

Wicomico County Animal Control: 410-749-1070

Salisbury City Animal Control: 410-548-3165

J.R. 64425

Date Available for Adoption: 05-05-2024

I am a 1 year old, Male, Terrier Mix.

Hi folks. My new call sign is J.R. I’m here to tell you all about me because I’m awesome.
Where to start?
1. Well, I’m young and strong and ready for any kind of adventure you want to go on. I’m not afraid of anything. Those yappers down the row don’t bother me. I kinda want to play with them, but I’m a big deal. I’m not sure they can handle how awesome I am. We will have to see about all of that.
2. Let’s talk cats. I see them and that’s fine but when they run …. Woohoo let’s go.
3. I’m young and everything is so exciting. My brain just loves how exciting everything is. I try to control myself, but this place is great!! So many people to love on and they even have pools here!
SO much fun to be wet.
4. I try to have good manners but I’m not really sure what they are. Everyone gets excited when I do sit, so I’m doing that a lot.
5. House. I had one and I want another one. Maybe a yard and one of them pools too please. I will be super fun if I can have that. I even know to go potty outside the house but it’s hard to do that here.
6. People… I want some of them too. I’m not picky. Even little people be ok. But I might for accident knock them down. I get so excited when people talk nice to me.
7. Food… yes please I like that too and treats and hot dogs and cheese.
8. I’m hot. All the ladies are checking me out. They like my cow markings, whatever they are. I am no shrimp. They tell me I weighs 62 pounds.
That’s all I can think of right now.
My other people were great, but they said they couldn’t take me to where they were going. It’s ok. They seemed sad. But I’ve met lots of nice people here and so I think I maybe can find a new home with people if I try really hard and am a good boy. Come and see me, let’s find trouble to get into. πŸ˜¬πŸΆπŸ’™

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