Humane Society Office: 410-749-7603

Wicomico County Animal Control: 410-749-1070

Salisbury City Animal Control: 410-548-3165

Remy 64447

Date Available for Adoption: 05-08-2024

I am a 2 year old, Spayed Female, Pit Bull Mix.

Hi my name is Remy. What an adventure I have had. I’m happy to be here. I don’t know whether I’m coming or going. Get comfy….here goes…
I lived way out in the country, very peaceful. My person left, must have been in a hurry, Left without ME!!! can you believe that? I was outside minding my own business and I thought I should let someone know it was time for my dinner and I didn’t have no water. This nice guy came up with his flashy light and we went for a nice drive. I was not really sure if I liked him for l like 2 seconds and then he gave me treats, and all was good.
Now I’ve been here for a few days. They said to tell you about myself.
I am quite slender at 56 pounds.
🐶I am getting to know the other dogs. Some I like, others are face yappers and get on my nerves.
😻Cats: They are wild animals, they might pose a threat I’m not quite sure about them yet. I will need some guidance from my person in this department.
👶Kids? Haven’t met many we will have to see.
👨‍👩‍👧People?like them, especially when they come with treats. But some you have to be careful about. So I will be conducting interviews to find my next family.
I was stuck in a crate, so my new family needs to make my next crate a really good place to be. Feed me yummy dinner and snacks in there and make me feel comfortable again.
I like these walks I’m going on. Exercise and meeting nice people is fun.
Please come and meet me and go slow at first. I need a minute to get to know you.
Maybe let’s sit and chat first. Then go get snacks.
You can fill out what they call
“an nap” and then we can go to your house and take a nap!! That sounds like fun to me!

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